Eircode provides tradespeople with the tools to assist them in getting to a location on time.
New Eircodes have been added to the Eircode Finder and Eircode notification letters have been posted!
The Eircode May 2021 update has been added to the Eircode Finder - new Eircodes are now live and Eircode notification letters have entered the postal system!
The Eircode Finder has been updated with new Eircodes and Eircode notification letters have entered the postal system!
Since August 2016 the National Ambulance Service (NAS) has been using Eircodes to help make it quicker and easier to locate an address in an emergency. Providing an Eircode in addition to an address can help the Emergency Call Taker and Emergency Medical Dispatcher swiftly and accurately identify a caller’s location.
Christmas will be a little different than usual, but to help with ordering online and sending cards and gifts, we have an increased daily limit of 50 lookups in place. So, visit the Finder and don’t forget to use an Eircode.