
Latest News

10 Feb 2023

February 2023 Quarterly Update

Each quarter postal addresses and location details for new, repurposed or renovated properties are provided to us by An Post GeoDirectory. Then Eircodes are assigned in the months of February, May, August and November.

In order for an Eircode to be assigned to a new address it has to be in the An Post GeoDirectory database and must contain at least 2 lines of the postal address, a principal post town, and geographic coordinates.

Once this information is available, Eircode will:

  • Assign an Eircode
  • Update the Eircode Finder
  • Send a Eircode notification letter to the occupant
  • Provide the updated Eircode database to licenced users

If any information is missing and we cannot assign an Eircode, we would expect the required details to be included in the next quarterly update of the An Post GeoDirectory database.

The Eircode Finder has now been updated with our February  update - new Eircodes are now on the Eircode Finder and Eircode notification letters have been sent!

Visit the Eircode Finder to find your Eircode and keep an eye on your letterbox as your notification letter is on the way.

There are some handy videos on our help page to show you how to look for an Eircode or give the team a call on +353 1 901 2232.
