

Unique to Every Address

Eircode is a reliable and modern postcode system with a postcode that is unique to a residential or business postal address. Unlike other postcode systems it identifies the postal address of a specific property, it does not identify a cluster of addresses within an area. As 35% of addresses in Ireland share their address with at least one other property, it can be difficult to find the location of a specific address. Eircode being unique to a specific postal address, helps everyone find locations easier.

Unique to Every Address

Using Eircodes brings many benefits

Having a unique Eircode for an address brings many benefits to the general public, businesses, and public services.

General Public
  • Makes it quicker and easier to shop online by allowing address autofill and address verification.
  • Allows businesses to accurately identify addresses so your deliveries get to the right location.
  • Allows utility providers to identify your exact location allowing them to provide you with the best services available in your area.
  • Can help to make it quicker and easier for medical emergency services to locate addresses.
  • Helps direct someone to your home – for example tradespeople, taxis, or visitors.
  • Helps to find the location of an address by giving you the exact destination to allow for better planning and travel options.
  • Improves logistics and distribution planning with geographic location specific delivery and pick-up points allowing better route planning and clearer travel times.
  • Provides accurate delivery and pick-up points for the 35% of addresses in Ireland which are not unique.
  • Provides easier and quicker online ordering for customers with address autofill using Eircodes.
  • Provides improved customer service by tailoring services based on a customer’s location.
  • Provides faster, accurate and consistent address capture plus address verification.
  • Helps improve the speed and accuracy of delivery of products or services ordered.
Public Services
  • Can improve planning of public services such as education, housing, health services, social service, waste management, etc.
  • Provides accurate addresses and geographic locations for homes and businesses including the 35% of addresses in Ireland which are not unique.
  • Can improve delivery of public services to citizens and businesses.
  • Provides accurate address capture plus address verification.
  • Provides easier and quicker online applications for citizens with address autofill.

If you are a business or organisation interested in becoming licenced Eircode Database user more information can be found on our Eircode for Business page.